Category Archives: International Solidarity

Urgent- Help needed – Save the life of a child at risk(via @_ray_V)

[1:40:15 AM] Sanguinarious Rose: Dear people,
I and other volunteers are accompanying families of children from Gaza and the West Bank who are hospitalized in Israeli hospitals (Tel Hashomer and Ichilov).
Four years old Mouhamed from Gaza has been hospitalized in Tel Hashomer for three years having had his arms and legs amputated as result of a complication of genetic disease and immune system failures. During this period his dedicated grandfather has been nursing him with great devotion. The Palestinian authority declined the request to fund Mouhamad’s hospital bill and recovery expenses. Mouhamad is currently staying at the department of MD Raz Somech, an acclaimed physician, whose work was documented at Shlomi Eldar’s film “precious life”. MD Raz Somech struggled to keep Mouhamed alive as he faced imminent risk of death several times during his hospitalization. Mouhamed might be returning to Gaza in the next few days without artificial arms or legs. His return to Gaza might be a death sentence to him as he is unable to walk without assistance, eat by himself, or do any kind of daily functions independently. His family does not have resources to suport his recovery or even hire a person to assist him with him basic needs. We are trying to raise public awareness to his cause hoping we can raise enough donation for the first phase of his recovery, that will require 50,000 NIS.

Additional info/ Background:

Dozens of Palestinian children are staying at Israeli hospitals due to the lack in resources within the Palestinian authority that are required to give them proper care. In most of the cases, the Palestinian authority covers their medical bills. Mouhamed’s story is one of the most difficult cases encountered for Mouhamed was born with a rare genetic disease that defects his digestive system. At the age of 6 months, he reached Tel Hashomer hospital, and his life was in danger. Mouhamed received dedicated medical care and his disease regressed for a while but his condition rapidly deteriorated during the last 6 month. He was transferred to the ER where he was attached to artificial respiration machine. He miraculously survived, but his legs and arms were damaged beyond repair which resulted in the doctors amputating both his arms and legs.

Despite all that, Mouhamed is a lovely boy and very resourceful in handling his difficulties. He is full of life, enjoys music, laughing, and smiling.

Now, after the wounds of the amputations healed, Mouhamed can use artificial arms and legs, but this crucial stage of recovery can’t be done as the Palestinian authority refuses to pay this medical bill.

Two months ago, after the administration of Tel Hashomer efforts to achieve funding for the treatment failed, Mouhamed was sent back to his home in Gaza.

He is staying at his grandfather’s house, the same grandfather who looked after him during the period of his hospitalization. Mouhamed’s grandfather is the only provider for his own children, and the family’s economic condition is now defined as extreme poverty, as both their home and pen (source of income) were bombed by Israeli army during a strike, in addition to the cost of looking after Mouhamed.

Mouhamed’s family rejected him because of his disability and there is no kindergarten or facility for children with special needs to treat him.

Mouhamed needs funding for his recovery process to allow him to adapt to use his artificial arms and legs to provide him the necessary life skills for minimal level of well being.

For info & making a donation call:
054-3367275 Tamar Bennet
054-7670511 Buma Inbar


In hebrew:

(Ilana Dayan’ report & bank account info)

International solidarity activists arrested in the Jordan Valley

AICafé workshop 05/05: To Exist is to Resist

The upcoming Jordan Valley Solidarity workshop: To Exist is to Resist will be held in the AICafe on Saturday, May 5 at 8.00pm

Activists from Jordan Valley Solidarity Campaign will deliver the workshop, sharing their; personal experiences, political ideas and how they organise popular resistance in occupied Jordan Valley. Afterwards, the space will be opened up for questions and discussion.

Jordan Valley Solidarity campaign is a grass roots network of Palestinians and internationals. Since occupation in 1967, Israel has used a range of methods to force Palestinians from their land in the Jordan Valley. Our main aim is to mobilise a civil resistance to the occupation and support Palestinian communities in area C to remain on their land.

We are going to give a short presentation about the Jordan Valley and how we are organising resistance to the occupation including;


– Introduction and our political ideas as a movement

– Legally challenging the occupation

– Our schools project

– International solidarity

– Building and rebuilding homes

– Why we use mud bricks?

– Renewable energy

– Challenges facing NGO’s including examples of normalization